“Consider your semen: you were not made to live like brutes”  but to pursue virtue and knowledge”

The Divine Comedy, Hell, Canticle 26, vv. 118-120.


Considerate la vostra semenza: fatti non foste a viver come bruti, ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza”  

Dante Alighieri (1308-1321)


My book ‘How 21 st Century Homo Sapiens Thinks. AMRI NeuroMental Evolutionary Model ‘ is out.

The main and necessary solution for Homo Sapiens to survive and manage the changes of the 21st century consists in training people to develop and use their Intelligence in an Aware, Multidimensional and Relational way (AMRI Model).


“People’s Intelligence (not money) is the fundamental element of human discoveries and inventions, that allowed and enables the radical changes in the development of Humanity’s welfare and progress, whose implementation has empowered Homo Sapiens to act and/or modify physical and biological processes on Earth.” (Presutti, 1978).The book proposes the development of Awareness and MetaIntelligences so that Homo Sapiens can create a harmonious, effective and satisfying relationship between Man – Nature – Computer/Technological Machines.


This book is dedicated to all those who believe that Humanity is still capable of giving freedom, love and brotherhood:

– creating a harmonious balance with Nature,

– overcoming the Bestiality of one’s own selfish instincts of domination and possession,

– using Machines in an Intelligent way.

I.S.P.E.F. and E.C.E. recently held a successful Academic meeting with Simona Tomozii, representing the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies from China.

President Fausto Presutti led the meeting, engaging to foster collaboration and strengthen academic ties throu Italy and China from 30 January to 3 February 2024 at Rome, Italy.

Norberto Fernandez Lamarra

International Expert at UNESCO      University Professor at UNTREF   Buenos Aires - Argentina  

Maria Uccellatore

Manager at the Ministry of University and Research, European Research Programmes "Horizon 2020",  Rome - Italy   

Elena Simona Tomozii

Research  研究  and International Cooperation   国际合作   of  I.S.P.E.F.  &  E.C.E.
  是国际教育心理科学研究所 in China 中国的 


Professional Manuals for School, Childhood, University and Work

Books of Didactics, Creativity, STEM Education

Essays on Psychology, PsychoSophy and Culture

Handbooks of Tests and Certifications 

The works published in various languages, reporting studies, researches and best practices carried out in Italy, Europe and Latin America


Training models developed, tested and validated in Italy, Europe and Latin America, in the fields of:

  • Human Sciences
  • Psychological Sciences
  • Educational Sciences
  • Sciences for Training
  • Didactic Sciences
  • Management of Human and Professional Resources

The models follow the guidelines of the European Union, from the 90s to the current Erasmus+, Horizon Europe and “Next  Generation EU”.


International Standards for Certification and Accreditation of: 

  • Managers
  • Workers
  • Teachers
  • University Masters
  • Advanced Training Courses
  • Preschools
  • Schools
  • University