corsi di formazione sperimentali realizzati
Modello "fARE sCUOLA"
Ideato e sperimentato da Fausto Presutti
Modello di formazione dei dirigenti e insegnanti sperimentato e validato nelle sedi di :
Procincia Pesaro-Urbino (83 scuole, 83 dirigenti, 1500 insegnanti) durata 3 anni
Latina (scuole, dirigenti, insegnnati) durata 2 anni
Campagna (scuole, dirigenti, insegnnati) durata 3 anni
Provveditorato di Pesaro Urbino - Ministero Pubblica Iastruzione
Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.
Università di Perugia
Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.
Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.
Esperti della Commissione dei Valutazione
Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.
Ispettori del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.
Commissione della Valutazione
Go into the places only locals are familiar with. Visit little known hideouts and avenues that open the mind into what being a local is all about.